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Winter skin

Writer's picture: Sharon ReidSharon Reid

Do you change or alter you skin care routine in the winter from the summer? We at Parkside Beauty, London always think about. As the seasons can be extreme it’s worth changing it up a little just like you do with clothes. The winter months are not as humid as the summer and this does have an impact on our skin and should influence the skin care you chose. Interestingly, for every degrees drop in temperature the body produces 10% less sebum and moisture.

Winter certainly makes those already inflammatory skin conditions worse such as eczema, psoriasis, rosacea and dermatitis. Even those blessed with normal skin or combination skin can still suffer in the cooler climates. Acne sufferers may find outbreaks worsen because the sebum that protects the surface of the skin is much less, bacteria therefore more readily enters into the pores causing more spots. Sebum is the natural moisturiser and provides a protective barrier against the invasion of harmful bacteria.

Unfortunately we need to keep warm and use our central heating at home and at work which contribute to more factors that influence the negative effects of the winter on our skin. There are ways and things we can do to help minimise the drying effects of the cold weather and maintain a hydrated complexion.

What happens to our complexions when the cold hits it?

The pores tighten for starters which limits the amount of our natural moisturiser – sebum – onto the surface if the skin, so it definitely becomes dryer. The circulation is reduced therefore vital nourishment may not reach the cells so the skin becomes sluggish, the regular and natural release of dead skin cells and the rejuvenation process slackens so the skin has dry flaky patches and a the colour becomes uneven and blotchy. As for those who suffer with spots, the dead skin cells don’t release therefore clogging the pores and encouraging breakouts.

The cold temperatures cause vasoconstriction of the blood capillaries so that warm blood will circulate to protect vital organs and muscles and not to the skin. When going from cold to hot temperatures this puts stress on the delicate capillaries increasing the pressure on the walls causing them to permanently dilate and when our cheeks go pink or red in the cold this is also because of the vasoconstriction of the capillaries which then dilate because of the pressure of the blood.

Winter skin care therefore should be different.

Creams that have a protective barrier are needed weather you are indoors or out in the cold. The barrier effect will keep the skin hydrated and act like our natural protective barrier – sebum. Hydrating from inside with plenty of fluids too is equally important so cells maintain hydrated from within. Because cell turnover slows down, the circulation slackens and the natural sloughing off of dead skin cells doesn’t happen so readily; extra care and attention is a definite for winter.

My answer to winter skin is this:

Deep peeling, deep cleansing facial treatments. The type of treatment you may not do in the summer because of holidays and the sun. Glycolic acid treatments will not only take away those pesky dead skin cells that make us look ‘grey’ but naturally encourage hydration in the cells and stimulate the blood supply. Glycolic acid will help the skin produce its own sebum and make good use of your chosen barrier cream. Capillaries will be strengthened because of the increase in collagen production and elastin plus an even flow of fresh, nourishing blood to sustain facial tissues and skin cells. For those who suffer from spots, Glycolic acid combined with Salicylic acid will clear out the debris of the pores and keep them clear and clean and allow the free flow of natural sebum eliminating the need to apply cloggy creams to compensate for patchy dryness and prevent the need for harsh drying acne products that just cause sensitivity.

Tips for winter skin:

Glycolic peeling treatments to encourage the natural ph balance of the skin, replenish and shed skin cells, minimise open pores, maintain blood flow to strengthen capillaries and nourish tissues.

Skin barrier facial products to protect, something that sits on the skin rather than sinks in. for eg: Mila’dOpiz Cell Support, Sandorn cream and Climate cream. These can be day or night. The climate cream in particular, is ideal as a day preparation because it’s highly moisturising, not sticky or shiny but stays on your skin and doesn’t evaporate. A personal favourite. For healthy skin in the winter, peel, replenish and protect and be sure to enjoy all the good things winter brings like cosy clothes, comforting foods, meals in with friends and the best excuse of all for hot chocolate! Enjoy.



Opening times
  • Monday

  • Tues, Wed, Thurs

  • Friday

  • Saturday

  • Sunday


10am – 8pm

10am – 6pm

9am – 5pm

11am – 6pm

Contact details

Parkside Beauty
123 Mackenzie Road, Islington
London, N7 8QS
Tel: 020 7607 0557

Please note services such as: Lash tinting, Electrolysis permanent hair removal and Advanced Electrolysis for skin blemishes, cannot be booked online as these services require a test patch first. A Consultation and test patch for Electrolysis and Advanced Electrolysis can be booked online. Please phone the clinic for more information when booking these services.

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